sxdm package


sxdm.alignment module


Allows the user to align the scans based on Fluorescence or Region Of Interest.

Sets alignment variables and stores them in designated .h5 file. Easier to reload alignment data or redo alignment data


self ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Resets the dxdy movements used for alignment of the frames


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type


sxdm.background module

sxdm.background.scan_background(self, amount2ave=3, multiplier=1)

Create background images for each scan.

Takes the first “amount2ave” and last “amount2ave” images of each scan and average them together to each scan. Create a dictionary of these background images.

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) –

  • amount2ave ((int)) – amount of images from the beginning and enf of each scan to average together

  • multiplier ((int/float)) – multiplier for each background scan


Return type

A dictionary of background images with entries for each scan number

sxdm.background.scan_background_finder(destination, background_dic)

The destination is the scan numbers associated with a given pixel location. This will take all scans in a pixel location and return a numpy array of their appropriate background images.

  • destination ((numpy array)) – the output of h5get_image_destination(self, pixel) list of scan numbers which the user wants to get the background images for

  • background_dic ((dic)) – the dictionary otuput from the scan_background() function


Return type

A numpy array of background images corresponding to the scans in the destination input

sxdm.chi_determination module

class sxdm.chi_determination.Chi_FiguresClass

Bases: object

A class function that allows the code to store figure data. Makes it easier to transfer data between figures


Determine the instrumental broadening in pixels as well as the focal length and numberical aperature


  • Nothing

  • Sets

  • ====

  • self.focal_length_mm

  • self.NA_mrads

  • self.broadening_in_pix


Runs all code necessary to determine the chi bounds


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type



Calculates the bounds for the detector


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


  • Nothing

  • Prints and Sets

  • ======

  • self.chi value,

  • self.focal_length,

  • self.NA_mrads (numberical aperature),

  • self.broadening_in_pix of the detector

sxdm.chi_determination.closebtn_press(event, self, chi_figures)

Set the chi angle difference, position difference, and image dimension upon closing the figure

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – matplotlib event

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the SXDMFrameset)

  • (Chi_FiguresClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass


Return type

Nothing - runs chis() function. see documentation for values set

sxdm.chi_determination.closebtn_start(chi_figures, btn_ax)

Set up the close button

  • (Chi_FiguresClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass

  • (matplotlib_axis) (btn_ax) – the figure axis corresponding to the close button


Return type



From the chi figure class set up the first set of figures


Return type



Display the second figure


(Chi_FiguresClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass


Return type



Setting up the chi figure GUI


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

The Chi_FigureClass object created by the function

sxdm.chi_determination.idx_tb_setup(vmin_spot_ax, vmax_spot_ax)

Set up the index textboxes DEPRECIATED


Return type

position 1 and position 2 textboxes for index values

sxdm.chi_determination.minmax_tb_setup(vmin_spot_ax, vmax_spot_ax)

Set up the minmax textboxes

  • (matplotlib axis) (vmax_spot_ax) – the figure axis that corresponds to the vmin value of the spot diffraction

  • (matplotlib axis) – the figure axis that corresponds to the vmax value of the spot diffraction


Return type

vmin and vmax textboxes

sxdm.chi_determination.pos_tb_setup(pos1_ax, pos2_ax)

Set up the position text boxes

  • (matplotlib axis) (pos2_ax) – the figure axis corresponding to the vertical line position of the first (left) image

  • (matplotlib axis) – the figure axis corresponding to the vertical line position of the second (right) image


Return type

position 1 and position 2 textboxes for index values

sxdm.chi_determination.return_chi_images(file, chi_figures)

Return the detector movement data

  • (str) (file) – the file the user would like to find the detector images from

  • (Chi_FigureClass) (chi_figures) – the figure class. used to make it easier to move data around


Return type

Nothing - sets chi_fiures.images value

sxdm.chi_determination.return_chi_images_loc(file, chi_figures, detector_channel_loc='detector_channels/detector_scan/Main_Scan', zfill_num=4)

Grabs the image location for the detector sweep scan

  • file ((str)) – the .h5 file associated with the dataset

  • chi_figures ((Chi_FigureClass)) – the Chi_FigureClass allowing transfer of data from figure to figure

  • detector_channel_loc ((str)) – the h5 group location to the detector sweep scan used for chi bounds determination

  • zfill_num ((int)) – the integer value for how many digits the scan number must have


Return type

Nothing - sets the chi_figures.scan_theta and chi_figures.images_location valuess

sxdm.chi_determination.second_change(event, chi_figures)

When the second figure values change, update the second figure

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – matplotlib event

  • (Chi_FiguresClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass


Return type



Setting up the second figure


(Chi_FigureClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass


Return type


sxdm.chi_determination.vs_change(event, chi_figures)

When the user changes the vmin or vmax update the figures

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – matplotlib event

  • (Chi_FiguresClass) (chi_figures) – the chi_figuresclass


Return type


sxdm.clicks module

sxdm.clicks.check_mouse_ax(event, self)

Grabs the mouse axes position

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – the matpotlib event

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - just checks which axis the mouse is in

sxdm.clicks.fig1_click(event, self, fig, images)

Deal with event clicks in the first figure and redraw plots

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – matplotlib event

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset

  • (matplotlib figure) (fig) – the figure to be clicked on

  • (nd.array) (images) – the images to display


Return type

Nothing - deals with the clicks on the first image

sxdm.clicks.fig_leave(event, self)

If the user leaves an axis set the self.viewer_currentax to None :param event (matplotlib event): the matplotlib event :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset


Return type


sxdm.clicks.onclick_1(event, self)

Deal with click events for first figure. Only allows for 30 figures

Once you click on figure one open up a second figure with the figure you just clicked on, but larger

  • event ((matplotlib event)) – not 1100% sure. Needed to be the first param in a matplotlib event

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) – An SXDMFrameset which allows the function to store click values


Return type


sxdm.clicks.onclick_2(event, self)

Determine the pixel location the user has clicked on.

From the second figure that popped up, once you click on it, determine the location of that click

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – Unsure. Needed to be the first variable in a matplotlib event click

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – An SXDMFrameset that allows the clicks to be saved

sxdm.clicks.save_alignment(event, self)

Allow the alignment click information to be saved to self.file


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


  • Nothing. It just stores /dxdy to the self.file as well

  • as adding alingment_group and alignment_subgroup attributes

sxdm.det_chan module

sxdm.det_chan.add_column(im, max_column)

Add a numpy.nan column to an image array based on how many columns in the max amount of columns

  • (a 2D array) (im) – the image array to add columns to

  • (int) (max_column) – the final amount of columns the user want to make the im array


Return type

a new im array with the User selected max_column

sxdm.det_chan.add_row(im, max_row)

Add a numpy.nan rows to an image array based on how many rows in the max amount of rows

  • (a 2D array) (im) – the image array to add columns to

  • (int) (max_row) – the final amount of rows the user want to make the im array


Return type

a new im array with the User selected max_row


Deletes the /detector_channels group :param file (str): the .h5 file you would like to delete the detector_channel group from


Return type


sxdm.det_chan.det_dim_fix(array, max_row, max_column)

Add columns and rows to image matrix to make everything the same dimensions

  • (np.ndarray) (array) – a 3D array of images

  • (int) (max_column) – the max amount of rows the User would like to make all the images

  • (int) – the max amount of columns the User would like to make all the images


Return type

the 3D image array with dimensions (#images, max_row, max_column)


Allows the user to quicky see what all values are set to in the detector_channel group


(str) (file) – the .h5 file you would like to delete the detector_channel group from


  • prints the current values of the detector_channel group. If no values are currently set it displays something the

  • User can copy and paste into a cell to set the appropriate dectector values


Get the max dimensions for an array of 2D images


(np.ndarray) (array) – a 3 dimensional array


Return type

the max rows and the max columns round for the 3 dimensionsal array

sxdm.det_chan.return_det(file, scan_numbers, group='fluor', default=False, dim_correction=True)

Returns all information for a given detector channel for an array of scan numbers

  • file ((str)) – the .h5 file location

  • scan_numbers ((np.array)) – an array of scan numbers the user wants to get a specific detector channel information for

  • group ((str)) – a string corresponding to a group value that the user wants to return

  • default ((bool)) – If True this will default to the first acceptable detector_channel in the hdf5 file

  • dim_correction ((bool)) – If False this will not add rows and columns to the returned array to make them all the same shape


Return type

The specified detector channel for all specified scan numbers, the .mda detector value

sxdm.det_chan.setup_det_chan(file, fluor, roi, detector_scan, filenumber, sample_theta, hybrid_x, hybrid_y, mis, xrf)

Sets detector channel information and stores it in the .h5 file

  • file ((str)) – the hdf file path

  • fluor ((dic)) – a dictionary entry with all the Fluorescence images names as well as their corresponding .mda detector channel vale

  • roi ((dic)) – a dictionary entry with all the Region of Interest images names as well as their corresponding .mda detector channel vale

  • detector_scan ((int)) – the dectector channel that corresponds to the scanning of the detector - used to determine detector dimensions

  • filenumber ((int)) – the dectector channel that corresponds to the image file numbers

  • sample_theta ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the sample theta

  • hybrid_x ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the hybrid_x

  • hybrid_y ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the hybrid_y

  • mis ((dic)) – a miscellaneous dictionary with entries of detector channels that might be usefull. ex. 2Theta, Ring_Current

  • xrf ((dic)) – an x-ray fluorescence dictionary with entries of the detector channels CORRESPOND TO THE DETECTOR CHANNELS UNDER THE ‘xrf’ HEADING THE THE HDF FILE!!!


Return type


sxdm.det_chan.space_check(fluor, roi, detector_scan, filenumber, sample_theta, hybrid_x, hybrid_y, mis, xrf)

Based on the input variables this checks to see if the user has put any spaces into their group names.

Warns the user that they are using spaces

  • fluor ((dic)) – a dictionary entry with all the Fluorescence images names as well as their corresponding .mda detector channel value

  • roi ((dic)) – a dictionary entry with all the Region of Interest images names as well as their corresponding .mda detector channel vale

  • detector_scan ((int)) – the dectector channel that corresponds to the scanning of the detector - used to determine detector dimensions

  • filenumber ((int)) – the dectector channel that corresponds to the image file numbers

  • sample_theta ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the sample theta

  • hybrid_x ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the hybrid_x

  • hybrid_y ((int)) – the detector channel that corresponds to the hybrid_y

  • mis ((dic)) – a miscellaneous dictionary with entries of detector channels that might be usefull. ex. 2Theta, Ring_Current

  • xrf ((dic)) – an x-ray fluorescence dictionary with entries of the detector channels CORRESPOND TO THE DETECTOR CHANNELS UNDER THE ‘xrf’ HEADING THE THE HDF FILE!!!


Return type

(bool) on whether or not there is a space in any of the dictionary entries given by the user

sxdm.det_chan.true_filenumbers(file, scan_numbers, shapes)

Since the .mda files do not store the correct file_names/image_names inside of it. This creates an appropriate file number for each pixel in a scan

  • (str) (file) – the location of the .h5 file

  • (nd.array) (shapes) – array of all the scan numbers the User wishes to create image numbers for

  • (nd.array) – the shapes of all the scans

  • Returns

  • =======

  • nd.array with the .tif image numbers/locations for each voxel of the scan (an) –

sxdm.generalize module

sxdm.generalize.general_analysis_multi(self, rows, columns, analysis_function, analysis_input, bkg_multiplier=0)

Runs the centroid analysis in a function

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • rows ((int or tup)) – the total amount of rows the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the rows

  • columns ((int or tup)) – the total amount of columns the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the columns

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the median blur distance - must be odd

  • med_blur_height ((int)) – the median blur height

  • stdev ((int)) – the standard deviation used to segment data

  • bkg_multiplier ((int)) – the multiplier to the background images

  • analysis_function ((func)) – a function to be passed into the analysis. the program will find the summed diffraction pattern for each pixel, for each scan number of the dataset, background subtract, and pass the summed diffraction into the first analysis_function argument.

  • analysis_input ((user defined)) – an static input array, value, etc passed into the second argument in the analysis_function.


Return type

a pooled results from the centroid_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.generalize.general_pixel_analysis_multi(row, column, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file, analysis_function, analysis_input)

The analysis done on a single pixel

  • row ((int)) – the row the User wants to do analysis on

  • column ((int)) – the column the User wants to do analysis on

  • image_array ((nd.array)) – the image location array - can be created with create_imagearray(self)

  • scan_numbers ((nd.array)) – the list of scan numbers used

  • background_dic ((dic)) – the background scan dictionary entry - can be made with scan_backgrounnd(self)

  • file ((str)) – the hdf5 file location

  • analysis_function ((func)) – a function to be passed into the analysis. the program will find the summed diffraction pattern for each pixel, for each scan number of the dataset, background subtract, and pass the summed diffraction into the first analysis_function argument.

  • analysis_input ((user defined)) – an static input array, value, etc passed into the second argument in the analysis_function.


Return type

the analysis results as an nd.array

sxdm.generalize.general_pooled_return(results, user_val, user_acceptable_values)

Makes it easy to return values from the pooled results from the multi.analysis function

  • (n dimensional array) (results) – the output from the analysis function

  • (str) (user_val) – a string that defines what the user wants to be returned. Type ‘help’ for all acceptable values

  • (list) (user_acceptable_values) – an array of all the analysis_function outputs in the order the user has set them as.


Return type

An n dimensional array consisting of the user selected data output from the multi.analysis function

sxdm.generalize.general_pre_multi(inputs, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file, analysis_function, analysis_input)

Allows Python to run the roi analysis in a function

  • inputs ((nd.array)) – the iterable inputs of rows and columns

  • image_array ((nd.array)) – the total locations of all the images - created by create_imagearray(self)

  • scan_numbers ((nd.array)) – the list of all the scan numbers

  • background_dic ((dic)) – the dictionary of all the background images - created by scan_background(self)

  • file ((str)) – the full hdf5 file location

  • analysis_function ((func)) – a function to be passed into the analysis. the program will find the summed diffraction pattern for each pixel, for each scan number of the dataset, background subtract, and pass the summed diffraction into the first analysis_function argument.

  • analysis_input ((user defined)) – an static input array, value, etc passed into the second argument in the analysis_function.


Return type

the results from the general_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.h5 module


Closing and opened hdf5 file


(str) (file) – the path to the hdf5 file


Return type

Closes an opened hdf5 file

sxdm.h5.h5create_dataset(file, ds_path, ds_data)

Creates a dataset in the user defined group with data equal to the user defined data

  • file ((str)) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • ds_path ((str)) – the group path to the dataset inside the hdf5 file

  • ds_data ((nd.array)) – a numpy array the user would like to store


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5create_file(loc, name)

Creates hdf5 file

  • loc ((str)) – the location of the hdf5 file

  • name ((str)) – the name of the hdf5 file WITHOUT .h5 at the end


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5create_group(file, group)

Creates a group based on the Users group input

  • (str) (group) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • (str) – the group the user would like to create inside the file


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5del_data(file, group)

Sets all data equal to zero for a given dataset.

  • file ((str)) – the hdf5 file path

  • group ((str)) – the group location in the hdf5 the user wants to delete the data for


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5del_group(file, group)

Deletes the user defined group. DOES NOT REDUCE FILE SIZE

  • file ((str)) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • group ((str)) – the group inside the hdf5 file the user would like to delete


Return type



Deletes the file set by the user


file ((str)) – the full location of the hdf5 file the user would like to delete


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5get_image_destination(self, pixel)

Determine where all the .tif images are for all the scan numbers disregarding the nan values

  • (SXDMFramset) (self) – the sxdmframset

  • (str array) (pixel) – the image number from each scan that corresponds to a certain pixel


Return type

All of the diffraction FULL image locations for each scan in a 3D array - excluding the np.nan’s

sxdm.h5.h5get_image_destination_v2(self, pixel)

Determine where all the .tif images are for all the scan numbers disregarding the nan values

  • (SXDMFramset) (self) – the sxdmframset

  • (str array) (pixel) – the image number from each scan that corresponds to a certain pixel


Return type

All of the diffraction FULL image locations for each scan in a 3D array - excluding the np.nan’s

sxdm.h5.h5grab_data(file, data_loc)

Returns the data stored in the user defined group

  • (str) (data_loc) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • (str) – the group the user would like to pull data from


Return type

the data stored int the user defined location

sxdm.h5.h5group_list(file, group_name='base')

Displays all group members for a user defined group

  • (str) (group_name) – the path to the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the path to the group the user wants the Keys for. Set to ‘base’ if you want the top most group


Return type

a list of all the subgroups inside the user defined group

sxdm.h5.h5images_wra(file, scan, im_loc, im_name, delete=False, import_type='uint32')

Used to import/delete .tif images into the .h5 file

  • (str) (import_type) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • (nd.array) (scan) – the scan numbers the user wants to import

  • (str) – the location of the image file

  • (bool) (delete) – set to True if the user would like to delete the data in the hdf5 file

  • (str) – string passed into imageio.imread(image).astype(import_type)


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5path_exists(file, loc)

See if the group the user selected exists

  • (str) (loc) – the path to the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the location to the group the user wishes to check the status of


Return type

a bool (True or False) on whether or not the group exists

sxdm.h5.h5read_attr(file, loc, attribute_name)

Read an attribute from a user selected group and attribute name

  • (str) (attribute_name) – the path to the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the location to the group inside the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the name of the attribute


Return type

Attribute value

sxdm.h5.h5replace_data(file, group, data)

Replaces all data in a dataset.

Helps with space savings since deleting groups does not decrease the file size. Easier to replace data

  • (str) (group) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • (str) – the user defined group in the hdf5 file

  • (nd.array) (data) – the data the user would like to sub in


Return type


sxdm.h5.h5set_attr(file, loc, attribute_name, attribute_val)

Set and attribute for a User selected group

  • (str) (attribute_name) – the path to the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the group location in the hdf5 file

  • (str) – the name the user wants to set the attribute value of

  • (str or int) (attribute_val) – the value of the attribute


Return type



Opening an hdf5 file


(str) (file) – the path to the hdf5 file


Return type

The opened hdf5 file

sxdm.importer module

sxdm.importer.images_group_exsist(file, scan)

See if the images group exists.

sxdm.importer.import_images(file, images_loc, scans=False, fill_num=4, import_type='uint32', delimiter_function=<function delimiter_func>, force_reimport=False)

Allows the user to import all .tif images into the .h5 file

  • (str) (import_type) – the user defined hdf5 file

  • (str) – the location of the images folder from the beamline

  • (nd.array) (scans) – the scans the user would like to import

  • (int) (fill_num) – the amount of numbers in the images folders names

  • (str) – a string value passed into imageio.imread().astype(import_type)

  • (function) (delimiter_function) – a function which determines the image number. redefine this if 26 - ID -C naming scheme changes

  • (bool) (force_reimport) – set to True if you would like to force reimport images


Return type


sxdm.importer.import_mda(mda_path, hdf5_save_directory, hdf5_save_filename, single_file=False, maxdims=2)

Allows the User to import all .mda image and line scan data into an hdf5 format

  • (str) (single_file) – the string path to the folder holding the .mda files

  • (str) – the path location where you would like to save your data to EXAMPLE: ‘/home/Desktop’

  • (str) – the file inside that path in which you would like to save data to (DO NOT INCLUDE “.h5”) EXAMPLE: ‘test’

  • (str) – the location of the file to import

  • (int) (maxdims) – the maximum dimensions for the readMDA function to import from the .mda file


Return type

Nothing - Will Not Reimport Files

sxdm.logger module


Initiate logging

Not set up

sxdm.mis module


Turn a numpy array into a dictionary


(numpy array) (array) – a numpy array of form [(num1, num2), (num3, num4)] that will be turned into a dictionary


a dictionary of form {0

Return type

(num1, num2), 1: (num3, num4)``}``

sxdm.mis.array_shift(self, arrays2shift, centering_idx)

Translate a 3D stack of numpy arrays to align based on set centering values

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset

  • (numpy array) (centering_idx) – the 3 dimensional array the user wants to center around one of the indexes

  • (numpy array) – the dxdy values (translation values) for each matrix in the array


Return type

the shifted array based on the dxdy values

sxdm.mis.centering_det(self, group='fluor', center_around=False, summed=False, default=False)

Return a detector that has been centered around a set value

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset

  • (str) (group) – the group name the user would like to center to - acc_vals = fluor and roi

  • (bool) (default) – if this equals -1 then there will be no centering adjustments

  • (bool) – if True it will sum together all scans after centering

  • (bool) – if True it will set the fluor image to center on or roi image to view to the first index


  • an array of the fluor images or the roi images for all the SXDMFrameset scans centered around

  • the users value


Create an hdf5 file


(str) (file) – the path of the hdf5 file the user would like to create


Return type



Take the self.roi_results and make them into something more useful


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset


  • the region of interst maps for each scan, the region of interest maps for the user defined

  • sub regions of interest


The delimiter function used in the image importer Used to just get the number of the image from the name of the image/mda file


(str) (string) – the string the user wants to place the delimiter function on


Return type

a cropped string based on the delimiter function


Turn a dictionary into a numpy array


(dictionary) (dic) – a dictionary of form {0: (num1, num2), 1: (num3, num4)}


Return type

a numpy array of form [(num1, num2), (num3, num4)]


Determines the amount of boxes to place in the alignment viewer


(nd.array) (images) – the numpy array


Return type

the amount of images to make axes for in plt.subplot((return, return))

sxdm.mis.get_idx4roi(pix, destination, scan_numbers)

Based on the pixel being loaded, this returns the index of each scan used in the self.scan_numbers

  • (array of strings) (scan_numbers) – the image numbers for each scan for a given pixel

  • (array of strings) – full diffraction image locations for each scan for a given pixel

  • (array of strings) – the self.scan_numbers value


Return type

an array of index values for a master roi used to store values in the correct position


Return the dxdy movements for each scan


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

the dxdy values stored in the self.file


Returns the image dimensions for the User


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

the np.shape() of the fluorescence images - which are identical for the the entire field of view


Grab the image numbers


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset


Return type

all of the diffraction image numbers for each scan in a 3D matrix

sxdm.mis.median_blur_numpy(input_array, median_blur_distance, cut_off_value_above_mean, with_low=False)

Median Blur a 1D array. Used for eliminating hot or dead pixels

  • (1D array) (input_array) – a one dimensional numpy array

  • (int) (median_blur_distance) – the chunk size of numbers to to check for a median blur corrections


Return type

a 1 dimensional numpy array that has been median blurred

sxdm.mis.median_blur_selective(input_array, median_blur_distance, cut_off_value_above_mean, with_low=False)

Allows for the user to have a selective median blur for individual spots. Meaning it will not assign a median blur to the entire spectra.

  • (nd.array) (input_array) – the 1D spectral array

  • (int) (cut_off_value_above_mean) – a value that assigns how large of a median blur the User wants to walk through.

  • (int) – a value above the mean value for the med_blur_distance in which the value gets attributed as the median of that data chunk

  • (bool) (with_low) – True median blurs on values way above or way below the mean. Rather than just way above.


Return type

An 1D spectral array with appropriate values median blurred


For a selected path return the ordered filenames. Meant for ordering images inside of a folder


(str) (path) – the path to the folder you would like to order the contents of


Return type

the full image location, image name


Check how much RAM is being used. If it’s over 90% then the analysis function stop loading information


Return type

the percent of RAM usage

sxdm.mis.resolution_check(self, user_resolution_um=0.0005)

Check if all X dimensions for all scans are equal to each other. Also checks in all y dimensions for all scans are equal to each other. Then checks if the x and y are equal to one another.

  • (SXDMFramset) (self) – the sxdmframset

  • (float) (user_resolution_um) – the resolution in um the user would like the scan dimensions for


Return type

Nothing - sets resolution values


Returns the 2d summed diffraction pattern from the results self.saved_file without loading all the diffraction data. This works on the self.results variable.

Problems - Uses a lot of RAM


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

2d image array of the summed diffraction pattern

sxdm.mis.save_variable_pickle(array_of_vars, file)
sxdm.mis.scan_num_convert(scan_numbers, fill_num=4)

Convert the users int scan numbers into strings

  • (str or int) (scan_numbers) – takes an array of str values or int values and zfills them accordingly

  • (int) (fill_num) – the string fill number the user would like to use


Return type

the scan numbers in an array of strings with the user selected fill number


Set the centering values for each scan


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

The centering index - sets all centering data


Check to see if the imported hybrids have the same shape


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset used


Return type

Nothing. Prints Important Data


Shows the hybrid x and hybrid y image dimensions


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

prints the hybrid x an y dimensions

sxdm.mis.tif_separation(string, func=<function delimiter_func>)

Separating the image number from the full name stored in the images folder through the user of the delimiter_func

  • (str) (string) – the string the user wants to place the delimiter function on

  • (function) (func) – the delimiter function for the string. Makes it easier to change in later versions


Return type

the image string name of just the number

sxdm.mis.total_rows_int_tup(input, difference=False)

Allows the user to return the true starting and ending values for a scan. Useful for when scans do not start at zero.

  • (int or tuple) (input) – the int or tuple input of the analysis functions

  • (bool) (difference) – if the User would like to take the difference between the starting and ending points


Return type

Either the starting and ending values for a scan or the difference between them

sxdm.mis.val_check(array, resolution)

Check the resolution of the x and y dimensions of the scans

  • (nd.array) (array) – array of all the scan x or y dimensions

  • (float) (resolution) – a numbers in microns that sets the resolution check of the x and y dimensions


Return type

bool (True or False) on whether or not the scan dimensions are within the set resolution

sxdm.mis.zfill_scan(scan_list, fill_num)

Change int to str and fill them with the user set number of zeros

  • (str) (scan_list) – a list string of the scans the user would like to import

  • (int) (fill_num) – the amount of numbers each number should have. fill_num=4 turns ‘40’ into ‘0040’


Return type

A list of scan numbers with corrected zfill values

sxdm.multi module

sxdm.multi.centroid_map_analysis(self, rows, columns, med_blur_distance=4, med_blur_height=10, stdev_min=35, multiplier=1, center_around=False)

Calculates spot diffraction and data needed to make 2theta/chi/roi maps

  • self ((SXDMFramset)) – the sxdmframset

  • rows ((int)) – the total number of rows you want to iterate through

  • columns ((int)) – the total number of columns you want to iterate through

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the amount of values to scan for median blur

  • med_blur_height – (int) the height cut off for the median blur

  • stdev_min ((int)) – standard deviation above the mean of signal to ignore

  • multiplier ((int)) – multiplier for the background signal to be subtracted

  • center_around ((int)) – the index of the scan you would like to center around


  • A numpy matrix of every pixel asked. Each pixel contains

  • row_column,(row, column), summed_dif, ttheta, chi,

  • ttheta_centroid_finder, ttheta_centroid,

  • chi_centroid_finder, chi_centroid, full_roi

sxdm.multi.create_imagearray(self, center_around=False)

Creates the self.image_array variable needed for pixel_analysis

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset

  • (bool) (center_around) – setting this to True allows the user to default to the first image index to center around


Return type

Nothing - sets the self.image_array value

sxdm.multi.initialize_vectorize(num_rows, num_columns)
Places the row and column number next to each other in an iterable array.

Used for starmap multiprocessing pixels.

  • num_rows ((int)) – Total number of rows the user wants to calculate

  • num_columns ((int)) – Total number of columns the user wants to calculate


Return type

An iterable array of pixel locations to be passed into the multiprocessing pixel analysis

sxdm.multi.iterations(self, num_rows, num_columns)
Places the row and column number next to each other in an iterable array.

Used for starmap multiprocessing pixels.

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) –

  • num_rows ((int)) – Total number of rows the user wants to calculate

  • num_columns ((int)) – Total number of columns the user wants to calculate


Return type

An iterable array of pixel locations to be passed into the multiprocessing pixel analysis

sxdm.multi.pooled_return(results, user_val)

Makes it easy to return values from the pooled results from the multi.analysis function

  • (n dimensional array) (results) – the output from the analysis function

  • (str) (user_val) – a string that defines what the user wants to be returned


Return type

An n dimensional array consisting of the user selected data output from the multi.analysis function

sxdm.multi.roi_analysis(self, rows, columns, med_blur_distance=4, med_blur_height=10, stdev_min=35, multiplier=1, center_around=False, diff_segmentation=True)

Calculates region of interest for each scan as well as the region of interest maps for user defined sub region of interests

  • self ((SXDMFramset)) – the sxdmframset

  • rows ((int)) – the total number of rows you want to iterate through

  • columns ((int)) – the total number of columns you want to iterate through

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the amount of values to scan for median blur

  • med_blur_height – (int) the height cut off for the median blur

  • stdev_min ((int)) – standard deviation above the mean of signal to ignore

  • multiplier ((int)) – multiplier for the background signal to be subtracted

  • center_around ((int)) – the index of the scan you would like to center around

  • diff_segmentation ((bool)) – if set to True this will initiate the user sub region of interest analysis


  • A numpy matrix of every pixel asked. Each pixel contains

  • [(row, column), idxs, – raw_scan_data, corr_scan_data, scan_data_roi_vals, summed_data, corr_summed_data, summed_data_roi_vals]

sxdm.multi_update module

sxdm.multi_update.centroid_analysis_multi(self, rows, columns, med_blur_distance=9, med_blur_height=100, stdev=35, bkg_multiplier=0)

Runs the centroid analysis in a function

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • rows ((int or tup)) – the total amount of rows the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the rows

  • columns ((int or tup)) – the total amount of columns the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the columns

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the median blur distance - must be odd

  • med_blur_height ((int)) – the median blur height

  • stdev ((int)) – the standard deviation used to segment data

  • bkg_multiplier ((int)) – the multiplier to the background images


Return type

a pooled results from the centroid_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.multi_update.centroid_pixel_analysis_multi(row, column, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, stdev_min, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file)

The analysis done on a single pixel :param row: the row the User wants to do analysis on :type row: (int) :param column: the column the User wants to do analysis on :type column: (int) :param median_blur_distance: the amount of values to scan for median blur :type median_blur_distance: (int) :param median_blur_height: the height cut off for the median blur :type median_blur_height: (int) :param stdev_min: standard deviation above the mean of signal to ignore :type stdev_min: (int) :param image_array: the image location array - can be created with create_imagearray(self) :type image_array: (nd.array) :param scan_numbers: the list of scan numbers used :type scan_numbers: (nd.array) :param background_dic: the background scan dictionary entry - can be made with scan_backgrounnd(self) :type background_dic: (dic) :param file: the hdf5 file location :type file: (str)


Return type

the analysis results as an nd.array

sxdm.multi_update.centroid_pre_analysis(inputs, meds_d, meds_h, st, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file)

Allows Python to run the centroid analysis in a function

  • inputs ((nd.array)) – the iterable inputs of rows and columns

  • meds_d ((int)) – the median blur distance value

  • meds_h ((int)) – the median_blur height value

  • image_array ((nd.array)) – the total locations of all the images - created by create_imagearray(self)

  • scan_numbers ((nd.array)) – the list of all the scan numbers

  • background_dic ((dic)) – the dictionary of all the background images - created by scan_background(self)

  • file ((str)) – the full hdf5 file location

  • diff_segments ((bool)) – if True this will run the segmentation analysis as well


Return type

the results from the centroid_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.multi_update.h5get_image_destination_multi(scan_numbers, pixel)

Determine where all the .tif images are for all the scan numbers disregarding the nan values

  • (nd.array) (scan_numbers) – the scan numbers the user wants to get

  • (str array) (pixel) – the image number from each scan that corresponds to a certain pixel


Return type

All of the diffraction FULL image locations for each scan in a 3D array - excluding the np.nan’s

sxdm.multi_update.roi_analysis_multi(self, rows, columns, med_blur_distance=9, med_blur_height=100, bkg_multiplier=0, diff_segments=True)

Runs the region of interest analysis in a function

  • self ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • rows ((int or tup)) – the total amount of rows the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the rows

  • columns ((int or tup)) – the total amount of columns the User wants to analyze or a tuple of the columns

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the median blur distance - must be odd

  • med_blur_height ((int)) – the median blur height

  • bkg_multiplier ((int)) – the multiplier to the background images

  • diff_segments ((bool)) – if True this will analyze the roi segmentations


Return type

a pooled results from the roi_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.multi_update.roi_pixel_analysis_multi(row, column, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file, diff_segments=False)

The analysis done on a single pixel - this will get the new roi for each theta and be able to segment out diffraction areas and create the roi for them :param row: the total number of rows you want to iterate through :type row: (int) :param column: the total number of columns you want to iterate through :type column: (int) :param median_blur_distance: the amount of values to scan for median blur :type median_blur_distance: (int) :param median_blur_height: the height cut off for the median blur :type median_blur_height: (int) :param image_array: the location for all the pixels - can be created through create_imagearray(self) :type image_array: (nd.array) :param scan_numbers: the list of scan numbers :type scan_numbers: (array) :param background_dic: the dictionary for the background images - created through scan_background(self) :type background_dic: (dic) :param file: the location to the hdf5 file :type file: (str) :param diff_segments: array used for segmenting the diffraction patterns :type diff_segments: (array)


  • the analysis results as an nd.array

  • [(row, column), idxs, – raw_scan_data, corr_scan_data, scan_data_roi_vals, summed_data, corr_summed_data, summed_data_roi_vals]

sxdm.multi_update.roi_pre_analysis(inputs, meds_d, meds_h, image_array, scan_numbers, background_dic, file, diff_segments)

Allows Python to run the roi analysis in a function

  • inputs ((nd.array)) – the iterable inputs of rows and columns

  • meds_d ((int)) – the median blur distance value

  • meds_h ((int)) – the median_blur height value

  • image_array ((nd.array)) – the total locations of all the images - created by create_imagearray(self)

  • scan_numbers ((nd.array)) – the list of all the scan numbers

  • background_dic ((dic)) – the dictionary of all the background images - created by scan_background(self)

  • file ((str)) – the full hdf5 file location

  • diff_segments ((bool)) – if True this will run the segmentation analysis as well


Return type

the results from the roi_pixel_analysis_multi() function

sxdm.multi_update.sum_pixel_multi(file, images_loc)

Sum a pixel :param file (str): the full file location of the hdf5 file :param image_loc (list of str): the full image location in the hdf5 file


Return type

all images set in the image_loc variable

sxdm.pixel module

sxdm.pixel.centroid_finder(oneDarray_start, stdev_min=35)

Determine the centroid function :param oneDarray_start (numpy array): a one dimensions numpy array :param stdev_min (int): the standard deviation minimum the user would like to section the data off with


Return type

the corrected one dimensional array and the centroid of the array

sxdm.pixel.centroid_pixel_analysis(self, row, column, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, stdev_min)

The analysis done on a single pixel :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframset :param rows: the total number of rows you want to iterate through :type rows: (int) :param columns: the total number of columns you want to iterate through :type columns: (int) :param med_blur_distance: the amount of values to scan for median blur :type med_blur_distance: (int) :param med_blur_height: the height cut off for the median blur :type med_blur_height: (int) :param stdev_min: standard deviation above the mean of signal to ignore :type stdev_min: (int) :param bkg_multiplier: multiplier for the background signal to be subtracted :type bkg_multiplier: (int)


  • the analysis results as an nd.array

  • # For a given row and column

  • [

  • (row_index, column_index),

  • summed diffraction pattern (set to zero to save RAM. User can change in source code in /,

  • two theta centroid value (float)

  • chi centroid value (float)

  • two theta cropped signal (nd.array)

  • full two theta signal (nd.array)

  • chi cropped signal (nd.array)

  • full chi signal (nd.array)

  • summed region of interest value (float)

  • ]

sxdm.pixel.chi_maths(summed_dif, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, stdev_min, q=False)

Determine the centroid of the chi axis :param summed_dif (nd.array image): a 2D summed diffraction image :param median_blur_distance (int): the amount of values to take the median of :param median_blur_height (int): the value above the median to replace with the median value :param stdev_min (int): the standard deviation above the noise to consider the signal valid :param q (bool): used for an old multi processing function - unused now - might be put in at a later date


  • the edited (median blured) sum down the x axis

  • the centroid of the data

  • the cropped data to find the centroid

  • the edited (median blured) sum down the x axis as a numpy array

sxdm.pixel.grab_pix(array, row, column, int_convert=False)

Return a pixel at a given row and column value :param array (nd.array): a 3 dimensional numpy array :param row (int): the row the user would like to grab :param column (int): the column the user would like to grab :param int_convert (bool): if the user would like to change np.nans to integers set this to True


Return type

All data associated with the set row and column for the 3 dimensional array

sxdm.pixel.pixel_diffraction_grab(self, image_array, row, column)

Returns the diffraction image for a specific scan location (row, column)

  • self ((SXDMFrameset object)) – the sxdmframset object

  • image_array ((nd.array)) – the array that holds all the diffraction image locations self.im_array()

  • row ((int)) – the row the User would like to return data for

  • column ((int)) – the column the User would like to return data for


Return type

Summed diffraction image for a single pixel

sxdm.pixel.roi_pixel_analysis(self, row, column, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, diff_segments=False)

The analysis done on a single pixel - this will get the new roi for each theta and be able to segment out diffraction areas and create the roi for them :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframset :param rows: the total number of rows you want to iterate through :type rows: (int) :param columns: the total number of columns you want to iterate through :type columns: (int) :param med_blur_distance: the amount of values to scan for median blur :type med_blur_distance: (int) :param med_blur_height: the height cut off for the median blur :type med_blur_height: (int) :param diff_segments: array used for segmenting the diffraction patterns :type diff_segments: (array)


  • the analysis results as an nd.array

  • [(row, column), idxs, – raw_scan_data, corr_scan_data, scan_data_roi_vals, summed_data, corr_summed_data, summed_data_roi_vals]


Creates a roi value and the raw data analysis for the ROI maps


(image) (diffraction) – the summed diffraction image


Return type

ttheta, ttheta_copy, np.sum(ttheta_copy), scan_roi_val

sxdm.pixel.sum_pixel(self, images_loc)

Sum a pixel :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframset :param image_loc (list of str): the full image location in the hdf5 file


Return type

all images set in the image_loc variable

sxdm.pixel.sum_pixel_v2(images_loc, file)

Sum a pixel :param image_loc (list of str): the full image location in the hdf5 file :param file: the opened hdf file :type file: (hdf file)


Return type

all images set in the image_loc variable

sxdm.pixel.theta_maths(summed_dif, median_blur_distance, median_blur_height, stdev_min, q=False)

Determine the centroid of the theta axis :param summed_dif (nd.array image): a 2D summed diffraction image :param median_blur_distance (int): the amount of values to take the median of :param median_blur_height (int): the value above the median to replace with the median value :param stdev_min (int): the standard deviation above the noise to consider the signal valid :param q (bool): used for an old multi processing function - unused now - might be put in at a later date


  • the edited (median blured) sum down the y axis

  • the centroid of the data

  • the cropped data to find the centroid

  • the edited (median blured) sum down the y axis as a numpy array

sxdm.postprocess module

sxdm.postprocess.centroid_roi_map(results, map_type='chi_centroid')

Returns the centroid or roi based on the Centroid Analysis :param results (nd.array): self.results or the output of self.analysis :param map_type (str): the value the user would like to return acceptable values are chi_centroid, ttheta_centroid, or full_roi


Return type

the user selected map in an nd.array

sxdm.postprocess.maps_correct(user_map, new_bounds)

Takes the centroid_rou_map() function output and gives it new bounds :param user_map (nd.array): the output of the centroid_roi_map function :param new_bounds (np.linspace): np.linspace(lowerbound, higherbound, dim of image)


  • nd.array of the user_map, but with new bounds rather than with the dimensions

  • of the diffraction image

sxdm.postprocess.pixel_analysis_return(results, row, column, show_accep_vals=False)

Easy return of the results based on the input row and column value :param results (nd.array): self.results or output of self.analysis :param row (int): the row the user would like to look at :param column (int): the column the user would like to look at


  • A dictionary with entries

  • ’row_column’,

  • ’summed_dif’,

  • ’ttheta’,

  • ’chi’,

  • ’ttheta_corr’,

  • ’chi_corr’,

  • ’ttheta_cent’,

  • ’chi_cent’,

  • ’roi’

sxdm.postprocess.saved_return(file, group, summed_dif_return=False)

Load saved data :param file (str): a user defined hdf5 file :param group (str): the group the user would like to import :param summed_dif_return (bool): if True this will import all data. it is set to False because this import take up a lot of RAM


Return type

a nd.array thay can be set to the self.results value


Returns the summed diffraction pattern for the analysis output :param results (nd.array): the self.results or output of self.analysis


Return type

the summed diffraction patter from the analysis output

sxdm.preprocess module

sxdm.preprocess.gaus_check(self, center_around=False, default=False)

Determines the intensity change over all group scans


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset


  • the x and y values for a plot that shows intensity vs scan angle.

  • also auto displays the figure


Initializes a group that scan store dxdy data


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - creates a blank self.dxdy_store variable


Initialized the Kev and detector’s theta position.

Sets attributes of Kev and detector theta position to the current user defined group


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - sets Kev and detector_theta attributes


Initialized the group assigned by the user to the user defined file.

From the scan numbers the program determines the scan_theta as well checking if identical settings have already been imported. If so the program reloads saved settings


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - sets /scan_numbers and /scan_theta


Initialize the ability to save data


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset


Return type

Nothing - creates the filename_savedata.h5 file to save data to

sxdm.preprocess.initialize_scans(self, scan_numbers=False, fill_num=4)

Initialize all necessities for each scan

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset

  • (nd.array of int) (scan_numbers) – the list of scan numbers the user wants to create [178, 178, …]

  • (int) (fill_num) – the zfill number for the scan number integers


Return type

Nothing - sets self.scan_numbers, self.det_smpl_theta, and self.scan_theta

sxdm.preprocess.initialize_zoneplate_data(self, reset=False)

Initialize values for the zoneplate used as well as detector pixel size.

Asks the user what the parameters of the zone plate are and detector pixel size. If they have been already set then the program displays the current values when setting up SXDMFrameset object

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframset

  • (bool) (reset) – if True this allows the user to reset all values


Return type

Nothing - sets values inside /zone_plate/

sxdm.preprocess.max_det_val(self, detector='fluor')

Used to determine the max values for a given detector channel

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset

  • (str) (detector) – value to be passed into the return_det() function


Return type

the max values for all scans for a given detector channel input

sxdm.roi module

sxdm.roi.add_rois(rois, types='scan')

Add the create_rois output and return the correct plots

  • rois ((nd.array)) – the rois the user would like to add together

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’ - depends on what roi’s the User sets for the rois variable


Return type

1d.array of the roi’s summed


Set up the viewer figure for what bounding boxes have been selected


(ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type

Nothing - sets figure_class.axes


Complete setup of the summed diffraction pattern with the bounding boxes on top of them


user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

Nothing - sets up all the bounding box figures and loads all items


Initiates the bounding box figure with axes


(ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi.bounding_slider_setup(figure_class, user_class)

Sets up the bounding figure slider inside the roi figures

  • (ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object

  • (SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Sets up all the textboxes and buttons


(ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi.display_left_roi(figure_class, user_class, types='scan')

Sets up the display for the left roi plot

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’


Return type

Nothing - displays the left roi figure

sxdm.roi.display_left_roi_reload(val, figure_class, user_class, types='scan')

Reloads the left roi

  • val ((matplotlib event)) – the val matplotlib event

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’


Return type

Nothing - reloads the left image

sxdm.roi.display_right_roi(figure_class, im)

Displays the right roi plot

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • im ((nd.array)) – the image array to be displayed


Return type

Nothing - displays the right roi image

sxdm.roi.display_right_roi_reload(val, figure_class, im)

Load the Right ROI data

  • val ((matplotlib event)) – the val matplotlib event

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • im ((nd.array)) – the image to be displayed


Return type

Nothing - reloads the right figure data

sxdm.roi.display_summed_ims(figure_class, user_class)

Show the summed diffraction pattern with all assigned bounding boxes

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

Nothing - displays the summed diffraction pattern along with the User selected bounding boxes

sxdm.roi.display_summed_ims_reload(val, figure_class, user_class)

Allows the summed diffraction images to be displayed

  • val ((matplotlib val)) – matplotlib variable

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roifigureclass object

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

Nothing - reloads the summed diffraction images in the figure

sxdm.roi.grab_int_v_scan(user_class, types='scan')

Grab the data needed for the gaus plot

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’ - determines which plots the User would like to get information for


Return type

Nothing - sets up the x and y values for the top plot of either the Scan ROI or the Bounding Box ROI


Sets up all the ROI viewer figures


(SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type


sxdm.roi.on_scan_click(event, figure_class, user_class, types='scan')

Obtains all the raw scan data for a user clicked pixel

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – the matplotlib event

  • (ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object

  • (SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object

  • (str) (types) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’


Return type

Nothing - obtains all data and diplays data to appropriate location

sxdm.roi.right_roi(user_class, types='scan')

Plots the right roi plot

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’ - depends on which figure is being called


Return type

The entire summed region of interest for either the scans or the bounding boxes


Initiates the scan roi figure with proper axes locations current_roi_slider_val


(ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi.scan_slider_setup(figure_class, user_class)

Sets up the scan figure slider inside the roi figures

  • (ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object

  • (SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Displays the bounding box roi with aproptiate textboxes


(SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Displays the scan roi figure with appropriate settings


(SXDMFrameset) (user_class) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Sets up textboxes for the scan roi and the bounding box roi figures


(ROI_FiguresClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figuresclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi.top_plot_reload(val, figure_class, user_class, types='scan')

Reloads the gaus plot

  • val ((matplotlib val)) – the value for matplot lib events

  • figure_class ((ROIFigure_Class)) – the roifigure_class objects

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’ - determines which plots need to be reloaded


Return type

Nothing - reloads the top plot in the roi figures

sxdm.roi.top_plot_start(figure_class, user_class, types='scan')

Initiate the gaus plot

  • figure_class ((ROI_FigureClass)) – the roi_figureclass object

  • user_class ((SXDMFrameset)) – the sxdmframeset object

  • types ((str)) – either ‘scan’ or ‘bounding’ allow the User to choose which figure they are working on


Return type


sxdm.roi_bounding module

class sxdm.roi_bounding.ROI_FiguresClass

Bases: object

A class function which will make it easier to move variable in and out of functions


Set up the viewer figure


(ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type

Nothing - sets figure_class.axes

sxdm.roi_bounding.contbtn_click(event, figure_class, user_class)

Close the bounding box figure once complete

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – the matplotlib event

  • (matplotlib figure) (fig) – the matplotlib figure to close


Return type


sxdm.roi_bounding.line_select_callback(eclick, erelease, figure_class)

Creates interactive bounding boxes for roi analysis

  • (event) (erelease) – the click event

  • (event) – the release event

  • (ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type



Initiate the rectangle interactive


(ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi_bounding.rm_box_click(event, figure_class)

Removed the last bounding box the user made

  • (matplotlib event) (event) – the matploblib event

  • (ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi_bounding.start_bounding_box(summed_diff_pattern, user_class)

Starts the ROI bounding box GUI


Return type



Sets up all the textboxes and buttons


(ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type


sxdm.roi_bounding.vs_change(text, figure_class)

Change the vmin and vmax of a plot

  • (matplotlib textbox) (text) – the matplotlib textbox

  • (ROI_FigureClass) (figure_class) – the roi_figureclass object


Return type


sxdm.summed2d module

sxdm.summed2d.summed2d_all_data(self, bkg_multiplier=0)

Loads the summed diffraction patter without using a large amount of RAM

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object

  • (int) (bkg_multiplier) – the multiplier for the background images


Return type

the 2D summed diffraction pattern

sxdm.summed2d.summed2d_all_data_v2(self, bkg_multiplier=0)

Loads the summed diffraction patter without using a large amount of RAM

  • (SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object

  • (int) (bkg_multiplier) – the multiplier for the background images


Return type

the 2D summed diffraction pattern

sxdm.SXDM module

class sxdm.SXDM.SXDMFrameset(file, dataset_name, scan_numbers=False, fill_num=4, restart_zoneplate=False, median_blur_algorithm='scipy')

Bases: object


Allows the user to align all scans based on Fluorescence Maps or ROI Maps


(bool) (reset) – if True this will clear all the alignment data. Use this when adding new scans to a group


Return type

Nothing - sets alignment data

centroid_analysis(rows, columns, med_blur_distance=9, med_blur_height=10, stdev_min=25, bkg_multiplier=1, slow=False, change_center=False, cores=0)

Calculates spot diffraction and data needed to make 2theta/chi/roi maps

  • rows ((int, tup)) – the total number of rows you want to iterate through or a tuple of the rows to iterate through

  • columns ((int, tup)) – the total number of columns you want to iterate through or a tuple of the columns to iterate through

  • med_blur_distance ((int)) – the amount of values to scan for median blur

  • med_blur_height ((int)) – the height cut off for the median blur

  • stdev_min ((int)) – standard deviation above the mean of signal to ignore

  • bkg_multiplier ((int)) – multiplier for the background signal to be subtracted


Return type

the analysis results in the form of self.results


Allow the user to view the data in a convenient format


(bool) (diffraction_load) – if True this will load all necessary data for the diffraction will take up at least 2gb of RAM


Return type

Nothing - displays viewer


Determine the axis bounds for the diffraction images


Returns the total imported scans shape (scan_number, rows, columns)


(SXDMFrameset) (self) –


Return type

the frame set scan dimensions

gaus_checker(center_around=False, default=False)

Plots total diffraction intensity vs scan angle for a set ROI

  • (bool) (default) – if True this will default the centerind index to the first index (0)

  • (bool) – if True this will default the roi to check the gaus of to the first user defined ROI


Return type

Nothing - displays the total intensity vs scan theta rocking curve


Determine the CCD image dimensions


- SXDMFrameset (self) – the sxdmframeset


Return type

the image dimensions of the CCD camera

ims_array(amount2ave=3, multiplier=1, center_around=False)

Creates the Scan Background and the Image Array

  • - int (amount2ave) – Take the first (amount2ave) to the last (amount2ave) pixels and use them as a background

  • - float (multiplier) – A number to be applied to the background image


Return type

Creates the background image and the image array used for many proceses

region_of_interest(rows, columns, med_blur_distance=9, med_blur_height=100, bkg_multiplier=1, diff_segmentation=True, slow=False, cores=0)

Create a region of interest map for each scan and center the region of interest maps. If the diff segmentation is True this will also create a region of interest map based on a user defined sub region of interests

  • (int) or (tup) (columns) – the total amount of rows the user wants to do analysis on

  • (int) or (tup) – the total amount of columns the user wants to do analysis on

  • (int) (bkg_multiplier) – the amount of values to scan for median blur

  • (int) – the height cut off for the median blur

  • (int) – multiplier for the background signal to be subtracted

  • (bool) (diff_segmentation) – if set to True this will determine region of interests maps for sub roi’s set by the user


[(row, column), idxs,

raw_scan_data, corr_scan_data, scan_data_roi_vals, summed_data, corr_summed_data, summed_data_roi_vals]

Return type

the roi results in self.roi_results


Allow the user to reload Centroid saved data


(bool) (summed_dif_return) – if True this will load all necessary data for the diffraction will take up at least 2gb of RAM


Return type


roi_segmentation(bkg_multiplier=1, restart=False)

Allows the User to create a summed diffraction pattern bounding box for region_of_interest analysis

  • (int) (bkg_multiplier) – the scaler applied to the background images

  • (bool) (restart) – if True this clears all bounding boxes when loading the segmentation data


Return type



Takes the self.roi_results variable and displays it in a GUI format


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type



Save self.results (Centroid Data) to _savedata.h5

Unable to efficiently save ROI data

sxdm.viewer module

class sxdm.viewer.FiguresClass

Bases: object

A class function which will make it easier to move variable in and out of functions

sxdm.viewer.analysis_change(text, self)

When analysis values change, make the plots change as well to fit analysis parameters :param text (textbox text event): textbox text event :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - loads figure data

sxdm.viewer.btn_setup(reproocessbtn_ax, savingbtn_ax)

Set up the reprocess and saving button

  • reproocessbtn_ax ((matplotlib axis)) – the reproocess button figure axis

  • savingbtn_ax ((matplotlib axis)) – the saving button figure axis


Return type

reprocess and saving button

sxdm.viewer.convert_x_axis(intensity_values, extents, centroid_value, type='ttheta')

Set up the viewer figure


Return type

All axes for the figure


Warns the User if they have not started the create_imagearray() or scan_background() functions




sxdm.viewer.load_dynamic_data(results, vmin_spot, vmax_spot, spot_dif_ax, ttheta_centroid_ax, chi_centroid_ax, med_blur_distance, med_blur_height, stdev_min, row, column, self)

Load the dynamic data in the viewer based on the user inputs :param results (nd.array): the output of self.analysis or the self.results value :param vmin_spot (int): the vmin for the summed diffraction spot image :param vmax_spot (int): the vmax for the summed diffraction spot image :param spot_dif_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the diffraction spot image :param ttheta_centroid_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the 1D two theta plot :param chi_centroid_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the 1D chi plot :param med_blur_distance (int): the integer value used in the median_blur() function :param med_blur_height (int): the integer value used in the median_blur() function :param stdev_min (int): the standard deviation value used in the median_blur() segmentation function :param row (int): the row the user would like to load the data for :param column (int): the bolumn the user would like to load the data for :param self (SXDMFramset): the sxdmframset


Return type

Nothing - loads figure data

sxdm.viewer.load_static_data(results, vmin_sum, vmax_sum, fluor_ax, roi_ax, summed_dif_ax, ttheta_map_ax, chi_map_ax, fluor_image, user_class=False)

Load all the static data for the viewer :param results (nd.array): the output of the self.analysis function or the self.results value :param vmin_sum (int): the vmin for the summed diffraction image :param vmax_sum (int): the vmax for the summed diffraction image :param fluor_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the fluorescence image :param roi_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the region of interest image :param summed_dif_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the summed diffraction image :param ttheta_map_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the 2theta centroid map :param chi_map_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the chi centroid map :param fluor_image (image array): the fluorescence image the user would like to display in the figure :param user_class (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset object or False


Return type

Nothing - displays figure images


Reset figures to black when everything is up to date :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting


Show the user which values have not been saved by turning them pink :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting


Show the user which figures are not current by turning them red :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting

sxdm.viewer.reload_some_static_data(results, roi_ax, ttheta_map_ax, chi_map_ax)

Reloading some of the static data when you save/reload image :param results (nd.array): the output of the self.analysis function or the self.results value :param roi_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the region of interest map :param ttheta_map_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the 2theta centroid map :param chi_map_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis for the chi centroid map


Return type

Nothing - displays figure images

sxdm.viewer.reprocessbtn_click(event, user_class, figure_class)

Calls the self.analysis function once the reprocessed button is clicked :param event (matplotlib event): matplotlib event :param user_class (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset :param figure_class (FigureClass): the figureclass


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting

sxdm.viewer.run_viewer(user_class, fluor_image)

Function that compiles functions to get the viewer working :param user_class (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset :param fluor_image (image): the fluorescence image the user would like to load into the viewer


Return type

Nothing - loads figure data

sxdm.viewer.savingbtn_click(event, user_class, figure_class)

Calls the function and reloads data to the viewer :param event (matplotlib event): matplotlib event :param user_class (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframeset :param figure_class (FigureClass): the figureclass


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting

sxdm.viewer.spot_change(text, self)

When the user changes texbox value spots on the image, reload all the data for the new spot :param text (texbox text event): textbox text event :param self (CurrentFigure Class): the currecnt figure class


Return type

Nothing - loads figure data


Allows the program to take all the user_class.image_array images and sum them together to get a single summed diffraction image


(SXDMFrameset) (self) – the sxdmframeset object


Return type

the summed diffraction image for the entire FOV set by the create_imagearray() function


If there is an error loading data, import psyduck


Return type

psyduck image

sxdm.viewer.tb_setup(vmin_spot_ax, vmax_spot_ax, vmin_sum_ax, vmax_sum_ax, med_blur_dis_ax, med_blur_h_ax, stdev_ax, multiplier_ax, self)

Set up all textboxes :param vmin_spot_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the vmin change for the spot diffraction :param vmax_spot_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the vmax change for the spot diffraction :param vmin_sum_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the vmin change for the summed diffraction :param vmax_spot_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the vmax change for the summed diffraction :param med_blur_dis_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the median blur distance value :param med_blur_h_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the median blur height value :param stdev_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the standard deviation value :param multiplier_ax (matplotlib axis): the figure axis that goes to the background multiplier value :param self (SXDMFrameset): the sxdmframset


Return type

All textboxes associated with these axis

sxdm.viewer.viewer_mouse_click(event, self)

Based on what is clicked in the figure change the viewer accordingly :param event (matplotlib event): matplotlib event :param self (FigureClass): the figureclass object


Return type

Nothing - loads figure formatting